Friday, August 28, 2009

2 years of happiness!!

As of August 18th Aaron and I have officially been married for two wonderful years! In that short amount of time we have been to Peru and stood on the top of Machu Picchu, traveled to Cabo, Puerto Vallarta, cruised the Bahamas, stood at the southern most point in the USA in the Florida Keys, been to Vegas and California numerous times, visited Aaron's old stomping grounds in Kentucky and went to Washington DC for my first time, went to Oregon to visit family, been to an NFL game, went on an amazing backpacking river excursion with my dad, remodeled our house, grew a baby, bought two cars, got jobs together, cheered Aaron on through a season with the Blaze, spent a month in Dallas, drove through 16 states together, built a home and sold it, spent lots of weekends camping and hiking through Utah's national parks, and found tons of other activities to entertain us on a daily basis! What a great two years!

As everyone keeps telling us- our life is about to change drastically, so to celebrate this anniversary we went out to dinner and spent the night in Park City, and then woke up bright and early to tour Park City from a whole new perspective- a hot air balloon ride!

The weather was perfect, the view was amazing and the pilot didn't even notice I was 40 weeks pregnant! Phew! (Apparently there are rules against pregnant flying women...)

What a great day! It is crazy to think that we will never again spend an anniversary alone without finding a babysitter or wondering where our kids are! We are about to start a whole new world of adventure and we couldn't be more excited! I can't wait to see what the next 2 years (or 50) have in store for us!


  1. Hey you guys!
    I am so glad we found you on here! You look so good Lindsay! I can't believe you are pregnant either! You look great! So did the little babe come yet? We are out here on an island, so keep the posts coming so we can see what you guys are up to!
    Casey & Ren McDaniel

  2. Hey Linds... found you! Congrats on 2 years and your new addition. She's adorable. Now you just need to post some pics.
